
Education and Employment International


    One Idea, Seven Organizations, Two Priorities
    The project: "Education and Employment International"

    The Idea

    In order to successfully combat racism we have to provide opportunities for immigrants and non-immigrants to meet each other. The tearing down of racism and xenophobia can not be ordered by law but rather takes place step by step within the everyday working world. Throughout this process all participants will be assisted and supported through suitable services. By integrating seekers of political asylum and Jewish immigrants into structures of vocational and professional development as well as into the labor market we contribute to the retainment and development of their competencies and skills in order to open up career perspectives. This will enable them with nothing less than the opportunity to earn their own living independently.

    Seven Organizations

    In order to implement this idea seven cooperation partners from Erfurt (Thuringia) and Schwabach (Bavaria) have joined forces to initiate the project "Arbeit und Bildung International" (Education and Employment International). Using their different sets of competencies and expertise they work towards the joint goal of providing access to vocational and professional development and to the labor market for asylum seekers and Jewish immigrants. In order to achieve this goal, educational institutes, support groups for immigrants and trade union based organizations are working together. (for contact see overleaf)

    Two Priorities

    1| Juvenile and adult refugees with insecure residence status who are excluded from governmental schemes of general quali.cation and vocational and professional development, as well as Jewish immigrants, will be offered German language courses, vocational and professional orientation and development courses. In addition, possibilities for the of.cial recognition of the quali.- cations they have already earned will be examined. Our goal is a regularized integration of these population groups into the labor market.

    2| Based on the conviction, that successful integration is a mutual process, we will increase intercultural competence and convey background information concerning the complex and multi-facetted life situations of migrants. Various target groups will be addressed by means of speci.c educational programs: staff members of the participating institutions such as .rms, governmental or municipal agencies, and educational institutes. At the same time we will provide educational support for those who are engaged with migrants, whether as volunteers or as part of their professional duties. Finally, the broader public shall be informed about the living and working conditions of asylum seekers and Jewish immigrants as well as the goals, scope and services offered through the project, in order to break down the scourge of xenophobia and prejudice